Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Jason commented over the weekend that he sure got lucky when he married me.  Valentine's Day is one of those holidays the I'm ehh about.  I don't care for the crowds and the prices being raised up just because every one is expected to buy cards, candy, valentines, go out to eat, etc is ridiculous.  Beside, March 1st is our anniversary and if he is going to spend money on me I would rather it be on a more personal day.  But this year, Valentine's Day was the best ever.  Cameron had his party at school and his excitement when he got home was magical.  He couldn't wait to get in the car and tell me all about it.  We picked up a pizza for the kids and ordered Carino's To-Go for the hubs and I.  A night in with my three sweeties was awesome.  No, we didn't get dressed up and it wasn't some fancy restaurant but , it was a night filled with love.  After all isn't that what the day is about.  Best part of the we were walking out of the pizza place, Cameron grabbed my hand and said "Mommy, you're my valentine"  (Melt my heart).
©Tales from the Smith's


  1. Our what a sweetie :)

    I'm with you on valentine's day - Too much pressure. I think love should acknowledged on Valentine's but eh.

  2. My boyfriend and I are going out tonight to celebrate a late V-Day. I'm not a huge fan of the day but I do like going out to dinner =-)


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