Thursday, January 19, 2012

It's going to be one of those weeks/weekends

My nemesis is laundry.  It is just one of those things you cannot put off for two long with two adults that both work full-time (i.e. need clean work clothes), a three year old little boy who is into everything little boys like and his 9 month old sister who follows him into whatever mess they can find. 
Love my babies

We get home from church and errands on Sunday afternoon and I decide to start my dreaded task of doing the laundry that I had put off all weekend.  Things are rocking along, I get two loads done and put the third in the dryer, start it up and go to wash the baby bottles.  10 minutes later *THUD* and then silence in my laundry room.  Jason goes in there to see what happened and I hear him say "Uh Oh".   To be fair, the dryer was 21 years old so it had a good run but still couldn't it have waited to I was on my last load before it decides to give out.
On the bright side, I get to finally buy a new washer/dryer that is energy efficient, water conserving and well SHOP, so I was excited.  Monday I go out on my lunch break to a local appliance store (usually has same day delivery) and find a set that has the features I want, yay!  Then they tell me they have to order the dryer because they do not have a gas dryer in stock and it will be Thursday before they can be installed.  *sigh* I can picture the mounds of laundry multiplying but what can I do.  
So today is the day, I never thought I'd be so happy to do laundry!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Look Inside

Since I closed up shop on my last blog over three years ago, I feel a bit rusty.  What better way to shake off the dust and re-introduce myself than to spill the contents of my bag out for you.  I'm linking up with Becky today.  Before kids, I loved to carry a different purse almost everyday.  Now two kids later, my purse is usually a pocket of the diaper bag.  However I cannot carry the diaper bag with me to work so here is my current workday/weekday bag.
Simple leather bag

The bag was a gift from my husband because he was tired of looking at my worn out, thread bare purse.  I have no idea where it came from.  Sad fact...for the last few years my husband has been the one shopping for my purses.  I get frustrated when shopping because I cannot find exactly what I want so he will go without me a day or so later and finds basically what I had been wanting. 

Here is the always have minus a few things

1.  My wallet.  I have this thing for 10 years and it is time for a new one but I hate to part with this one.
2.  My office call back roster for emergency situations. (I work in health care).
3.  A cheap pressed powder for those days I need a quick touch up.
4.  Burt's Bees lip balm.  I cannot live without this stuff.
5.  Sheer, tinted lip balm for days when I need to freshen up and don't want heavy color.
6.  A banana.  This is very random item that was there today.  Usually it's crackers.
7.  My calendar.  I would be lost without this.  I use the one on my phone but I like a paper one still.
8.  My name badge for work.
9.  My work keys
10. My personal keys
11.  MK Satin Hands.
12.  Allergy medicine.  This east Texas girl suffers from allergies year round!

*Missing items:  My phone ( I used it to take the pictures), my brush and bands, my contact solution, glasses and lens cleaners, my pens and my pack of mints.   

~ Amanda ~