Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Love and Marriage

I never believed it when I was a kid and people would tell me that one day the years will fly by but they were right.  It seems like every year goes faster than the last.

Nine years ago tomorrow, I married the love of my life.  Our path has been bumpy and our life and marriage certainly is not perfect but we have made it through and learned a lot on the journey.

©Tales From The Smiths
The years have flown by and so many things have changed. We have shed tears over loved ones lost and tears over the birth of our own little ones. We have supported each other through jobs lost, returning to school and career changes. I am thankful for the years that we have had and look forward to many more.

©Tales From The Smiths

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Jason commented over the weekend that he sure got lucky when he married me.  Valentine's Day is one of those holidays the I'm ehh about.  I don't care for the crowds and the prices being raised up just because every one is expected to buy cards, candy, valentines, go out to eat, etc is ridiculous.  Beside, March 1st is our anniversary and if he is going to spend money on me I would rather it be on a more personal day.  But this year, Valentine's Day was the best ever.  Cameron had his party at school and his excitement when he got home was magical.  He couldn't wait to get in the car and tell me all about it.  We picked up a pizza for the kids and ordered Carino's To-Go for the hubs and I.  A night in with my three sweeties was awesome.  No, we didn't get dressed up and it wasn't some fancy restaurant but , it was a night filled with love.  After all isn't that what the day is about.  Best part of the we were walking out of the pizza place, Cameron grabbed my hand and said "Mommy, you're my valentine"  (Melt my heart).
©Tales from the Smith's

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Monday Real

Linking up with Jess and Britt today for The Monday Real. 

I'm so tired today I need toothpicks to keep my eyes open despite the inhumane amount of caffeine I have drank to try to help.  Haley is cutting some more teeth and wakes up screaming every 45 minutes unless she is plastered face to face with me, literally her cheek has to be pressed tightly against mine.  Even this does not stop the constant waking, it only ends the screaming.  This has gone on for almost a week.  I do not know how much more Mama can take.  Everything except the kids has taken a backseat.  My laundry has been washed for the last week but is just sitting in a huge pile in the middle of the dining room floor.  Between the allergy/cold sickies that struck in January and now teething, the mantle is still bare since I only finished taking Christmas decorations down weekend before last and I haven't cooked in a week.  I'm so tired of cold sandwiches, cereal and canned soups that I'm considered taking a cranky child into a restaurant tonight.  I'm sure I won't because it is cold and wet out but maybe To-Go will be an option.

That's my Monday whine.  Here's to a better night of sleep.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Working Mama in east Texas

Today I am going to link up with Kelly at Kelly's Korner Blog for Show Us Your Life Working Mom in hopes to connect with other mom's that work outside of the home.

Hi,  my name is Amanda
©Tales From the Smith's

and I'm blessed to call two, beautiful children mine.  I live in east Texas and work full-time outside of the home.
©Why Wait Photography
This is Cameron.  He is my lively 3 year old.  He has the most tender heart and wants more than anything for those around him  to be happy and cared for.  He attends preschool two days a week.  I have been amazed at how much he has grown this year.  I cannot believe that my baby turns 4 this summer.  He talks non-stop if he is comfortable around you otherwise he is bashful.

©Why Wait Photography

This is Haley.  She will be 1 in six weeks!  iiiyyyii where did the time go???  She is crawling everywhere and has taken a step here and there but hasn't been brave enough to turn loose and go just yet.  She eats anything and everything but is so petite.  Too be young and have awesome metabolism again *sigh*  She also talks non-stop and has the sass to go with it.  

Being a parent is tough work whether you work outside the home or stay at home.  I've never been able to stay at home with my babies so I have no idea how stay at home mom's do all they do and I admire you ladies.  Too be honest I do not think that I could stay at home full-time that is just not my calling but I would love to have the best of both worlds and only work 15 - 20 hours a week so that I could be at home more.  Instead I work 7:30 - 4:30 Monday - Friday in the administrative offices at one of our local health systems.  I have been blessed with understanding co-workers who have already been through this phase of life but on the flip side that leaves me really lonely.  My co-workers are all 20+ years older than me and my friends here in town either do not have kids or stay at home so they do not understand why I rarely want to give up my weekend time with my family.  I know that making time for me is something I need to get better so I am a work in progress. I'm blessed that my kids stay with my mom while I'm at work and that my commute to work takes only 15 - 20 minutes depending on traffic.

I wish I had tips or suggestions that could help someone out but I feel like we run like crazy 5 days a week and the weekends are not much better.  My only advice is do NOT beat yourself up over the little things, just LOVE on your babies and husband, make time for YOU and GOD (this one I'm still working on)and do not ever think bad of other mom's.  We all do things differently from one another but at the end of the day we are all just trying to make it work and you never know what her situation is.