Thursday, February 28, 2013

Biggest Loser Blogger Challenge - Week 8

Week 8
Starting weight [01/06/2013]:  175 lbs
Week 2 weight [01/13/2013]: 172.2  (loss of 2.8 lbs for week)
Week 3 weight [01/20/2013]: 171.2  (loss of 1.0 lb for week)
Week 4 weight [01/28/2013]: 171.2  (no loss)
Week 5 weight [02/03/2013]: 168.0  (loss of 3.2 lbs for week)
Week 6 weight [02/10/2013]: 168.0 (no loss)
Week 7 weight [02/17/2013]: 166.2 (loss of 1.8 lbs for week)
Week 8 weight [02/25/2013]:  166.4 (gain of .2 lbs for week)

Total weight loss: 8.6 lbs for this challenge*

Hey Everyone!

Last week and this week are CRAZY at work and I am out of time but wanted to check in.  Lots of late nights=no gym time for me last week and the more of the same this week.  YIKES!  I hope to read everyone's updates this weekend.

Hang in there!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Biggest Loser Blogger Challenge - Week 7

Biggest Loser Blogger Challenge - Week 7

Week 7
Starting weight [01/06/2013]:  175 lbs
Week 2 weight [01/13/2013]: 172.2  (loss of 2.8 lbs for week)
Week 3 weight [01/20/2013]: 171.2  (loss of 1.0 lb for week)
Week 4 weight [01/28/2013]: 171.2  (no loss)
Week 5 weight [02/03/2013]: 168.0  (loss of 3.2 lbs for week)
Week 6 weight [02/10/2013]: 168.0 (no loss)
Week 7 weight [02/17/2013]: 166.2 (loss of 1.8 lbs for week)

Total weight loss: 8.8 lbs for this challenge*

* I started my journey to get fit and healthy on October 1st and was active for 6 weeks before taking a hiatus over the holidays.  I lost 11 pounds during that six weeks and maintained that loss until we started this challenge on 01/06/2013. so for anyone on My Fitness Pal it shows my weight loss at 19 lbs so far.  If you are on MFP and want to follow me my username is smithja2003.  I'll gladly help encourage anyone.

I have had the hardest time getting in my water and last week was awful all around.  I was unable to  workout one day and then work was/is STRESSFUL right now and I feel like I hold onto my weight when I'm stressed even if I'm eating okay so I was glad to see a loss. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Biggest Loser Blogger Challenge - Week 6

Week 6
Starting weight [01/06/2013]:  175 lbs
Week 2 weight [01/13/2013]: 172.2  (loss of 2.8 lbs for week)
Week 3 weight [01/20/2013]: 171.2  (loss of 1.0 lb for week)
Week 4 weight [01/28/2013]: 171.2  (no loss)
Week 5 weight [02/03/2013]: 168.0  (loss of 3.2 lbs for week)
Week 6 weight [02/10/2013]: 168.0 (no loss)

Total weight loss: 7 lbs for this challenge*

* I started my journey to get fit and healthy on October 1st and was active for 6 weeks before taking a hiatus over the holidays.  I lost 11 pounds during that six weeks and maintained that loss until we started this challenge on 01/06/2013. so for anyone on My Fitness Pal it shows my weight loss at 18 lbs so far.  If you are on MFP and want to follow me my username is smithja2003.  I'll gladly help encourage anyone.

I'm am just glad that I didn't gain this past week.  I was horrible in the way I ate.  There is always that one week a month where my willpower to avoid cravings and junk for is out the window and yikes did I eat last week.  I think the only thing that saved me was I did do Body Pump 2x last week and half a session of Body Combat.  I had to leave that class early because of a conflict in schedule with a repair man but I got part of it in.

My anniversary is two weeks from this Friday and I have got to refocus myself.  I need to watch my carbs and portions this week, drink my water and make sure I get all three workout classes in plus my walking in on Saturday.  I really would like to be at 160 and fitting nicely into a size 10 dress that I have hanging in my closet with the tags still on it by then.  8 pounds in three week - I can do it!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Biggest Loser Week 5

Week 5

Starting weight [01/06/2013]:  175 lbs
Week 2 weight [01/13/2013]: 172.2  (loss of 2.8 lbs for week)
Week 3 weight [01/20/2013]: 171.2  (loss of 1.0 lb for week)
Week 4 weight [01/28/2013]: 171.2  (no loss)
Week 5 weight [02/03/2013]: 168.0  (loss of 3.2 lbs for week)

Total weight loss: 7 lbs for this challenge*

* I started my journey to get fit and healthy on October 1st and was active for 6 weeks before taking a hiatus over the holidays.  I lost 11 pounds during that six weeks and maintained that loss until we started this challenge on 01/06/2013. so for anyone on My Fitness Pal it shows my weight loss at 18 lbs so far.  If you are on MFP and want to follow me my username is smithja2003.  I'll gladly help encourage anyone.

I knew with my weeks 3 and 4 slump that I need something to help me get re-motivated and decided it was time to make use of the gym membership that we have.  After checking the class schedule, the only class that was available after work on the days I was interested in going to the gym was Body Pump.  I started class Monday and LOVED it.  I went Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  I'm looking forward to continuing this week. 

I'm still struggling to drink the water that I know I need.  It's not like I'm drinking tons of other drinks, I'm just not getting the fluid that I should be.  I am going to try to make a more conscious effort this week.

I hope that everyone had a positive week.